Friday, October 14, 2011

what i do

This year, I've been getting asked a lot about my year at UCA. Are you loving it? "Yes," I say. "Tell me about deaning," they ask next. I never know what to say. Deaning consumes my life. I work long hours and I have trouble recounting what I do on the fly. It's so busy and stressful all the time, but I love it.

Here's a bit of what I do:
- put kids on sick list
- give meds
- monitor desk workers
- monitor janitors
- keep dorm clean
- handle discipline
- checks. all the time. worships. study halls. etc.
- attend faculty meetings
- chat with guys (the best part!)
- talk with parents

The list may not sound like much (I'm sure there's more), but it adds up. With 96 guys in our dorm, and only 3 full-time deans, it's constant. There's always someone who needs something and I feel like many good kids slide through without much attention because they're where they need to be are getting good grades and not pantsing kids in a classroom or calling a girl a "hippo" (those are sadly real examples). It can be overwhelming.

Add to my current schedule the occasional substitute teaching and coaching both varsity and JV volleyball and I'm swamped.

But it's Sabbath. And I've had SO many good conversations lately. With my RA's. With random sophomores in the cafeteria. With fellow staff members. I have so many reasons to be thankful. But, like most times I'm asked what I do, right now I'm just thinking about my pillow... Goodnight!

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