Thursday, July 22, 2010

Blogging? Really?


I never thought I'd get here. Really. Merely a few years ago, I privately mocked those who wrote their musings online. While a student missionary, I refused a blog and instead utilized mass e-mails, because those were different somehow...

Now I read blogs daily. Well, baseball blogs... Does that count? I find myself often checking other friends' blogs fairly regularly as well as spiritual mentors Alex Bryan and Donald Miller. Blogging seemed to help them express themselves. I too want to better express myself. So here I am, hoping that this will be an acceptable medium. Whether anyone reads this or not doesn't matter. I'll try to post something at minimum once a week.

Expect topics ranging anywhere from spiritual searching to baseball to Walla Walla University to my mission year to Camp MiVoden to journalism to whatever. I hope I make sense. I hope I'm worth reading. I hope I live a life worth writing about.

Let the game begin. Put me in coach, I'm ready to play... today... center field...

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